Calling new Activity via an ImageView


I need to call a new Activity through click on a ImageView .

Follow my code:

final ImageView botaoAbrirMesas = (ImageView) findViewById(R.botoes_laucher.openMesas);

    botaoAbrirMesas.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            Intent it = new Intent();
            it.setClass(null, PrincipalActivity.class);


However, running the application terminates due to an error. Is this the right way to use or can not use click on a ImageView ?

asked by anonymous 02.04.2014 / 19:36

1 answer


I think the problem is with you passing null on method setClass .

Replace your code with this one:

Intent intent = new Intent(Main.this, PrincipalActivity.class);

Replace Main.this with NomeDaSuaActividade.this

If you want to use the method setClass replace null with NomeDaSuaActividade.this

02.04.2014 / 20:43