How to insert jQuery via HTML


My question probably has an obvious answer, but I could not find it on google.

I have a website that uses Wordpress. On the site I use a plugin that stopped working (I do not know the reason). I discovered that the cause was a jQuery that for some reason was "not being used" (I do not know the right word for it).

I realized that this was the problem after I inserted this code into the F12 console and everything worked:

            return false;

How to make this code load with the page without having to insert it into the console?

asked by anonymous 30.03.2015 / 21:09

1 answer


This code is redundant. You have two options:

1. Insert this in the HTML header:

        return false;

2. (or) Insert this just before closing the body:

    return false;
30.03.2015 / 21:52