Time mask with iMask


I'm using this Jquery plugin to format masks but I can not do the same to work, even religiously following the existing example , I tried this by changing an existing format for my case:

$(document).ready(function() {
          type      : 'fixed'
        , mask      : '00:00'
        , stripMask : true

But the mask is not applied.

asked by anonymous 04.08.2015 / 23:47

1 answer


Just change the wildcards defined for the mask:


Should be replaced by:


When you used 0 it is not replaced by anything because it is not a wildcard for the plugin that runs behind.

The jokers available to be used as a mask according to the documentation are:


9 = Numeric


a = Alpha


x = AlphaNumeric

05.08.2015 / 17:48