how to use the sortable JQuery update method?


I have this code and would like to update the value within div based on the position where it occupy I have already been able to get the value of it when the order is changed, but I can not get other properties of the element.

asked by anonymous 20.07.2015 / 21:31

2 answers


To get the attributes of the DIV is very simple, because the DOM instance of each DIV is retrieved by the ui.item object that comes as a parameter of the event, which in turn is a jQuery object so its attributes can be accessed by methods of jQuery (.attr () .data () and etc.)

An example:

 update: function(event, ui){
          var element = ui.item;
20.07.2015 / 22:04

I have achieved, the code can be seen below:

$(function() {

      axis: 'y',
      handle : ".ico",
      start: function(event, ui) {
        ui.item.startPos = ui.item.index();
      update: function(event, ui){
        console.log("Posição inicial: " + ui.item.startPos + " Nova posição: " + ui.item.index());

        // Atualizando index para o usuário...
        // Obtendo todos os itens:
        var itens = $(this).children();
        console.log("Quantidade de itens: " + itens.length);

        // Atualizando valor em cada item:
          var item = $(this).children();
          console.log("Quantidade de filhos: " + item.length);

          var newVal = $(this).index() + 1;




.item { width: 100%; height: 90px; border: 1px solid black;}
  .item:hover {
    border: 3px solid black;
  #conteudo { width: 95%; height:500px; border:2px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; }
  .ico {
    float: left;
    width: 3%;
    border: 2px solid #fff000;
    cursor: move;
    float: left;
    width: 90%;
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>

<div id="conteudo">

  <div id="item0" class="item">
    <div class="ico">|||</div>
    <div class="conteudoItem">
      <p class="index">1</p>A

  <div id="item1" class="item">
    <div class="ico">|||</div>
    <div class="conteudoItem">
      <p class="index">2</p>B

  <div id="item2" class="item">
    <div class="ico">|||</div>
    <div class="conteudoItem">
      <p class="index">3</p>C

  <div id="item3" class="item">
    <div class="ico">|||</div>
    <div class="conteudoItem">
      <p class="index">4</p>D

20.07.2015 / 22:37