Your text probably has more empty characters at the end (probably ''\u0000'
), so when you print it looks like the value is only "007F", but actually it has several Trim
characters, which means that the strings are different. If you s.Receive
these characters from the end, you should get your correct comparison, as the example below shows.
byte[] b = new byte[29];
var bi = 0;
b[bi++] = (byte)'2';
b[bi++] = (byte)'1';
b[bi++] = (byte)'1';
b[bi++] = (byte)'0';
b[bi++] = (byte)'0';
b[bi++] = (byte)'7';
b[bi++] = (byte)'F';
var tex = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados: " + tex);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados: <<" + tex + ">>"); // mostra os outros caracteres
Console.WriteLine(tex.Replace("211", "") == "007F"); // false, o primeiro string tem mais caracteres
Console.WriteLine(tex.Replace("211", "").Replace("byte[] ret = new byte[29];
int bytesRecvd = s.Receive(ret);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados" +
(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret, 0, bytesRecvd).Replace("211","")));
string tex = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret, 0, bytesRecvd).Replace("211 ", "");
switch (tex)
case "007F": Console.WriteLine("Situação 1"); break;
", "") == "007F");
Another alternative is to use only the number of bytes that were received in the %code% call when converting bytes to strings:
byte[] b = new byte[29];
var bi = 0;
b[bi++] = (byte)'2';
b[bi++] = (byte)'1';
b[bi++] = (byte)'1';
b[bi++] = (byte)'0';
b[bi++] = (byte)'0';
b[bi++] = (byte)'7';
b[bi++] = (byte)'F';
var tex = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados: " + tex);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados: <<" + tex + ">>"); // mostra os outros caracteres
Console.WriteLine(tex.Replace("211", "") == "007F"); // false, o primeiro string tem mais caracteres
Console.WriteLine(tex.Replace("211", "").Replace("byte[] ret = new byte[29];
int bytesRecvd = s.Receive(ret);
Console.WriteLine("Retorno de Dados" +
(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret, 0, bytesRecvd).Replace("211","")));
string tex = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret, 0, bytesRecvd).Replace("211 ", "");
switch (tex)
case "007F": Console.WriteLine("Situação 1"); break;
", "") == "007F");