I have the following code and I would like that when selecting any value inside the select "#cities" show the ".DadosLoja" div and that it is hidden at first, already taking advantage of the question there is something else that I am not getting is to put the value "Select" in the select "#cities", either as value or with placeholder, none worked (ps: select information comes from another JS).
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">
<span class="TituloLoja">Selecione sua localidade: </span>
<select id="cities" class="empty" name="cities"></select>
<div class="row content" >
<div class="well text-left">
<div class="dadosLoja ">
<span class="TituloLoja">Informações da Loja:</span><br />
<label>Telefone: <span id="telefone"></span></label>