RestSharp connected with Firebase but does not show result


I've made a service on C # and now I need to connect this service to my bank on FireBase . The following is the Library method for connecting to FireBase :

public static void restAPI()
        var client = new RestClient("");
        var request = new RestRequest("users.json", Method.GET);
        var queryResult = client.Execute<List<Items>>(request).Data;

        Library.WriteErrorLog("RESTAPI: " + queryResult);

Function in Shceduler to initialize the service and call the method:

protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
        if (Library.IsConnected())
            Library.WriteErrorLog("////// Com conexão! //////");
            timer1 = new Timer();
            this.timer1.Interval = 3000;
            this.timer1.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
            Library.WriteErrorLog(">> Test Window Service iniciado! <<");
            if (!File.Exists(docBase))
                File.Copy(pricetabLocal, docBase);
                listaBase = Library.MontarListaBase(docBase, ref copiado);
                Library.WriteErrorLog("<< FIM! >>" + copiado);
                Library.WriteErrorLog("Ja existe um arquivo com este nome!");
                listaBase = Library.MontarListaBase(docBase, ref copiado);
                Library.WriteErrorLog("<< FIM! >>" + copiado);
            timer1.Enabled = true;
            Library.WriteErrorLog("////// Sem conexão! //////");

Public Class Items:

public class Items
        public string usuarios { get; set; }

ACHO I was able to make the connection but I can not see the correct content, the answer that returns is as follows:


RESTAPI: System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [TestWindowsService.Library + Items]

ps: This answer I write in a notebook.

This answer means what? If I connected, how do I "pan" this response to format it?

asked by anonymous 01.02.2017 / 17:51

2 answers


This is the default output pro type List<T> .

If you want to specify what should be written to the file, do so

public static void restAPI()
    var client = new RestClient("");
    var request = new RestRequest("users.json", Method.GET);
    var queryResult = client.Execute<List<Items>>(request).Data;

    foreach(Items item in queryResult)
        Library.WriteErrorLog("Resultado: " + item.usuarios);
01.02.2017 / 17:56


To get what's in the FireBase database in the JSON format I've just modified my method:

public static void restAPI()
        var client = new RestClient("");
        var request = new RestRequest("", Method.GET);
        request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
        IRestResponse requestget = client.Execute(request);
        Library.WriteErrorLog("RESTAPI: " + requestget.Content);
02.02.2017 / 12:40