I have a function that dynamically inserts inputs into a div making it possible to create a list of purchases, tasks, or what the imagination allows, it also has a button that removes the item that does not want more, like an ALL , I would like that when running the COUNT function it not only counts the inputs but also calculates how many numbers it has in all the inputs, for example, it has 4 inputs so it will calculate 4 inputs and also it will add the value inside all 4, I already know how to count, I just do not know how to add.
The code to put inputs is this
function new_input() {
+ '<input class="cod" placeholder="Código" />'
+ '<input class="desc" placeholder="Descrição" />'
+ '<input class="quant" placeholder="Quantidade" />'
+ '<input class="val" placeholder="Valor" />'
/* este span serve para apagar um item */
+ '<span class="remove cursor_pointer display_none">+</span>'
+ '</x>').prependTo(scnDiv);
/* este trecho abaixo irá contar um novo input */
contar_mais('itens_total'); } });
For everything to work perfectly, new_input must be run within this function below
function prep_new_input() {
new_input(); }
The function that counts the inputs is this section below
function contar(i) {
return document.getElementById(i); }
function contar_menos(i) {
var quantidade = parseInt(contar(i).value);
if(quantidade > 0)
contar(i).value = quantidade - 1; }
function contar_mais(i) {
contar(i).value = parseInt(contar(i).value) + 1; }
The function that removes an item from the list is the snippet below
$('span.remove').live('click', function() {
if(rscnDiv > 1) {
contar_menos('itens_total'); } });
For everything to work, you need to be inside it
$ (document) .ready (function () { var scnDiv = $ ('div.itens'); var rscnDiv = $ ('div.itens x'). size () + 1; new_input ();
The divs that hold the inputs and show how many inputs they have are the below
<div class='itens'></div>
<input id='itens_total' class='itens_total' value='0' readonly='readonly' />
I wanted to be able to count the amount of input as it already does and also add the values inside all the inputs into a total quantity div next to the total items, that alone is enough, but enough to do function without ID only with class, valew, since now, grateful