How do I get the sql server to get the records longer than 10 days from the current date, ie in the current month, I want to get all the records prior to 01-08. I tried it that way, but it did not return anything.
S.SolID [Chamado],
UC.UsuNome [Cliente],
C.Descricao [Curva ABC],
CONVERT(DATE,S.SolData,103) [Data de Abertura]
FROM Solicitacao S
LEFT JOIN Usuario UC on UC.Usuid = S.UsuIDCliente
LEFT JOIN CurvaABC C on C.CurvaID = UC.CurvaID
LEFT JOIN Usuario U on U.UsuID = S.UsuIDResponsavel
WHERE S.SolStatus <> 9 and CONVERT(DATE,S.SolData,103) = getdate() - 10
and U.UsuIDGrupo = 1151