change content color according to values in table


Someone can help me thank you

I get values in the format ex: 5/7 is the result of the score that the user registers and can view on the same screen, if I had only the number I believe that JS would take this in an int and it would be easy for my logic to rotate , but as we have there a bar the JS already turns to a string.

     <span class="placares">${listaResultados.placar1}/${listaResultados.placar2}</span>
     <span class="placares">${listaResultados.placar3}/${listaResultados.placar4}</span>
     <span class="placares">${listaResultados.placar5}/${listaResultados.placar6}</span>
     <span class="placares">${listaResultados.placar7}/${listaResultados.placar8}</span>
     <span class="placares">${listaResultados.placar9}/${listaResultados.placar10}</span>

In my logic down here I get all these texts "5/7 or 6/3 and etc ..." and initially I need to remove this "/" separating these values and then compare them if the first number is larger I want this class "badge badge-warning" added and otherwise I want another badge.

<script type="text/javascript">
var spans = $(".placares");
spans.each(function(i, val) {
    var valores = getValores(val.textContent);
    if(valores.primeiroNumero > valores.segundoNumero) {
        $(val).removeAttr('').addClass('badge badge-info');
    if(valores.primeiroNumero < valores.segundoNumero) {
        $(val).removeAttr('').addClass('badge badge-warning');


function getValores(texto) {
    var split = texto.split('/');
    return {
        primeiroNumero: parseInt(split[0], 10),
        segundoNumero: parseInt(split[1], 10)

Anyone help me out on this JS? it does not work!!! I have no error in the browser console.

asked by anonymous 18.12.2017 / 21:30

1 answer


Your code is a little big for little things to do. I suggest the following code that will add the class according to the values in the spans and remove the class placares :

var spans = $(".placares");
spans.each(function(i, val) {
   var valores = val.textContent;
   valores = valores.split('/').map(Number);
   $(val).addClass(valores[0] > valores[1] ? 'badge badge-info' : 'badge badge-warning')


I put background just as an illustration:

var spans = $(".placares");
spans.each(function(i, val) {
   var valores = val.textContent;
   valores = valores.split('/').map(Number);
   $(val).addClass(valores[0] > valores[1] ? 'badge badge-info' : 'badge badge-warning')
   background: orange;

   background: yellow;
<script src=""></script><table><tr><td><spanclass="placares">5/7</span>
           <span class="placares">6/3</span>
           <span class="placares">2/1</span>
           <span class="placares">3/4</span>
           <span class="placares">7/4</span>
18.12.2017 / 21:56