Javascript - Make article appear when clicking on a li


I have a small question in my project that I am developing.

I need to make certain <article> appear when a particular <li> is clicked.


Example <li> 's

<li id="menu-CARD">USAR CARD</li>

<li id="menu-SLIP">USAR SLIP</li>

Example <article> 's

<article id="CARD">CONTEÚDO CARD</article>

<article id="SLIP">CONTEÚDO SLIP</article>

I need two things.

  • 1 ° When you click on one of the <li> , add the class " selected " to <li> clicked. (% with%)
  • 2 ° When you click on a class="selected" , the <li> that is referred to this <article> that was clicked.

Example: When you click on the% "USE SLIP"% :

<li id="menu-SLIP">USAR SLIP</li>

A style="display: block" will be added to the slip% :

<article id="SLIP">CONTEÚDO SLIP</article>

Looking like this:

<article id="SLIP" style="display:block">CONTEÚDO SLIP</article>


Your function will look like a tab.

When you click on USER CARD, you will see the% of id CARD .

When you click on USE SLIP, you will see% s of SLIP .

That is, while one display: block receives the other, display: none .

asked by anonymous 28.09.2016 / 08:29

3 answers


This code does the basics you need, but read about jQuery selectors, especially how to select elements by attributes.

var scrollDuration = 800; // 1000ms = 1 segundo

//ao clicar em uma <li>

  //pegamos a id do elemento clicado,
  //dividimos o nome da id no ponto "menu-" e
  // pegamos o lado da direita, de índice 1  

  var target = $(this).attr('id').split('menu-')[1];

  //remove classe do 'selected' do elemento com ela

  //adiciona classe no 'selected' no elemento clicado

  //escondemos o <article> com classe 'visible'  

  //podemos concatenar a var target com '#', o que forma
  //uma query para o jquery: '#SLIP' ou '#CARD'

  //agora que o elemento está visível, vamos dar scroll até ele
  $('html, body').animate({
      scrollTop: $( '#'+target ).offset().top
  }, scrollDuration);


Another interesting alternative might be to add / remove classes that hide / show the elements. In the example I use a class called "visible" to mark the current article. If in your css you put

.article{ /* todos os article's começam escondidos */
article.visible{ /* mostra um article que tenha a class visible */

It will not be necessary to use JS lines with .css('display','none')

28.09.2016 / 13:07

First of all, your <li> elements must have a class . Second, you do not need the ID attribute. Within <li> put <a> with a HREF pointing to ID <article> %

Assign a property in the CSS so that the first will appear as default and the first <li> in HTML as selected .

$('.showArticle > a').on('click', function(){
   var id = $(this).attr('href'); // Pega o HREF do A que é o ID do Article
   var articles = $('article');

   $('.showArticle').removeClass('selected'); // Remove a classe selected dos LIS
   $(this).parent().addClass('selected'); // Aplica a classe selected ao LI selecionado 

   articles.css('display', 'none'); // Esconde todos os Articles
   $(id).css('display', 'block'); // Mostra apenas o selecionado.
    display: none;

section article:first-child{
    display: block; /* ou block */

ul li a{
    color: #000;

ul li.selected a{
  color: #F00;
<script src=""></script><ul><liclass="showArticle selected"><a href="#card">Tab 1</a></li>
  <li class="showArticle"><a href="#slip">Tab 2</a></li>
  <li class="showArticle"><a href="#folk">Tab 3</a></li>

  <article id="card">Article 1</article>
  <article id="slip">Article 2</article>
  <article id="folk">Article 3</article>
28.09.2016 / 13:15

The question looks more like a request, so I'll just respond with a sample code: p

var defaultArticle
var articles$ = {}

articles$[defaultArticle = "CARD"] = $("#CARD")
articles$.SLIP = $("#SLIP")

var selectArticle = identifier => {
  for (var i in articles) {
    var method = i === identifier ?
                 "show" : "hide"

var $lis;

var selectLi = identifier => {
  $lis.each(function(i) {
    var method = i === identifier ?
                 "addClass" : "removeClass"

$ {
  var articleId ='-')[1]

/* Visualiza o article padrão */

/* e seleciona o li padrão (dá para melhorar essa seleção) */
28.09.2016 / 13:19