What is the difference between the find and filter of jQuery?


I remembered that there is a function in jQuery called filter . I already know find , but I want to know if there is any difference between them or if they are the same thing.

asked by anonymous 05.02.2014 / 00:53

4 answers



  • find finds the elements that match the requested expression that are descendants of the selector.


In the example below, a filter will find Block 1 and Sub 3 , since both are $('div').filter('.teste') s that meet the filter by class div .

In turn, a teste will only find Sub 3 , as only within the $('div').find('.teste') selector of "Block 2" there is a descendant whose class is div .

<div class="teste">
   Bloco 1
   <div class="limao">Sub 1</div>
   <div class="trevo">Sub 2</div>

<div class="pardo">
   Bloco 2
   <div class="teste">Sub 3</div>
   <div class="peixe">Sub 4</div>

Click here to see a example in JSFiddle .

05.02.2014 / 01:00

The function of find is to fetch descendants elements from those selected (s) ), while filter is to create a subset of the elements themselves. Example:

<div id="div1" class="a top">
  <div id="sub1" class="b"></div>
  <div id="sub2" class="b"></div>
      <div id="sub3" class="b"></div>
<div class="b top"></div>
<div class="b top"></div>
<div id="div2" class="a top"></div>
<div id="div3" class="a top"></div>

The following code takes sub1 , sub2 and sub3 :


Already the following code takes div1 , div2 and div3 :


An alternate way of invoking filter is passing a function as an argument instead of a selector. This allows you to perform some more complicated logic when choosing whether or not a given element will join the requested subset:

$(".top").filter(function(indice) {
    var elemento = this, $elemento = $(this);
    return ...; // Se true, o elemento entra no resultado.
05.02.2014 / 01:01

Easy to understand summary using examples:

$('div a') returns the same as $('div').find('a')

$('body .teste strong') returns the same as $('body').find('.teste').find('strong')

$('.minhaClasse span') returns the same as $('.minhaClasse').find('span')

$('.foo .bar') returns the same as $('.foo').find('.bar')

$('div:gt(0)') returns the same as $('div').filter(':gt(0)')

$('div:hidden') returns the same as $('div').filter(':hidden')

$('div[data-teste]') returns the same as $('div').filter('[data-teste]')

$('a[title]') returns the same as $('a').filter('[title]')

$('option:selected') returns the same as $('option').filter(':selected')

$('.foo.bar') returns the same as $('.foo').filter('.bar')

Did you notice the difference?

The filter method reduces the current selector according to a filter, such as an attribute (href, name, value, src, data- *, for, maxlength, action, etc.), a pseudoclasse (: : visible,: hover,: active,: checked,: selected,: empty, etc), among others.

The find method is used to find descending elements of the specified selector (s).

05.02.2014 / 01:22

The find looks for nodes within an element, while filter filters the selected nodes with another selector.

$('div').find('p') looks for paragraphs within div's, while $('div').filter('.a') only selects div's with the CSS class "a".

05.02.2014 / 01:01