Problem dividing a string vector in C


I'm doing a program that needs you to find half a string vector, but that half can not cut any words, so that half would have to be the next space found after half. Soon after finding this half the program must divide the vector into 2 string vectors. One with the first part and another with the second.

So far what I have is this here:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void DivideString(char *Texto, char *Metade1, char *Metade2, int tamanho,int 
int i;
for(i = 0; i < metade; i++){
    Metade1[i] = Texto[i];
for(i=metade; i<tamanho; i++){
    Metade2[i] = Texto[i];

int CalculaMeio(int metade, char *Texto){
while(Texto[metade]!=' '){
return metade;

int main(){
char *Texto, *Metade1, *Metade2;
int i;

Texto = (char*)malloc(1000*sizeof(char));

Texto = "Testando como funcionam strings em c para trabalho";

int tamanho = strlen(Texto), metade = tamanho/2;

printf("tamanho: %d  metade: %d\n",tamanho, metade);

metade = CalculaMeio(metade, Texto);

printf("nova metade: %d\n",metade );


DivideString(Texto, Metade1, Metade2, tamanho, metade);

printf("%s\n",Metade1 );
printf("%s\n",Metade2 );
return 0;

Running this program has the following:

As you can see from the image, the program prints the first vector correctly but the second vector is not printed.

Would this be a problem with the buffer?

asked by anonymous 02.07.2018 / 15:02

1 answer


Your DivideString() function can be implemented much simpler, see:

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

void DivideString( const char * txt, char * m1, char * m2 )
    int tam = strlen(txt);
    int meio = tam / 2;

    while( txt[meio] && !isspace(txt[meio]) )

    *m1 = '
#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    char texto[] = "O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma.";

    char metade1[100];
    char metade2[100];

    DivideString( texto, metade1, metade2 );

    printf( "Texto: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", texto, strlen(texto) );
    printf( "Metade1: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", metade1, strlen(metade1) );
    printf( "Metade2: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", metade2, strlen(metade2) );

    return 0;
'; *m2 = '
Texto: O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma. (Tamanho: 35)
Metade1: O rato roeu a roupa (Tamanho: 19)
Metade2: do rei de Roma. (Tamanho: 15)
'; strncat( m1, txt, meio ); strncat( m2, txt + meio + 1, tam - meio ); }


#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

void DivideString( const char * txt, char * m1, char * m2 )
    int tam = strlen(txt);
    int meio = tam / 2;

    while( txt[meio] && !isspace(txt[meio]) )

    *m1 = '
#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    char texto[] = "O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma.";

    char metade1[100];
    char metade2[100];

    DivideString( texto, metade1, metade2 );

    printf( "Texto: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", texto, strlen(texto) );
    printf( "Metade1: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", metade1, strlen(metade1) );
    printf( "Metade2: %s (Tamanho: %ld)\n", metade2, strlen(metade2) );

    return 0;
'; *m2 = '
Texto: O rato roeu a roupa do rei de Roma. (Tamanho: 35)
Metade1: O rato roeu a roupa (Tamanho: 19)
Metade2: do rei de Roma. (Tamanho: 15)
'; strncat( m1, txt, meio ); strncat( m2, txt + meio + 1, tam - meio ); }



See working from

02.07.2018 / 16:02