I am using the jquery.maskMoney.js library to format system monetary data. But when the data is saved in the database and returned to the system screen the formatting is lost. How to solve this problem? I would like the formatting to remain, follow some screens of the system that exemplify this problem.
1. Data with currency formatting: entering data into forms
2.Non-monetarydata:Databeingloadedfromthedatabase 3.Codesnippetoftheedita.blade.phppage
<divclass="col-md-5 form-group">
<label class="control-label">Valor Solicitado (R$)</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="vlSolicitado" name="vlSolicitado" value="{{str_replace('.',',',$projeto->valor_solicitado)}}" data-thousands="." data-decimal="," data-prefix="R$ " maxlength="18" required>