My script contains three parts:
The first is the display page (ex: home.php) in it I include two other pages.
The second is a page that queries the database and displays the first 5 results (eg consult-1.php). This is displayed by default.
The third is another page that displays 5 more results from the last id listed in home.php (ex: consult-2.php) when the user requests this query, and each new request displays 5 results. / p>
The includes are made inside a div and to return results from the "consult-2.php" page I use the following:
$(".minha-div:last").after(data); //Aonde "data" é o retorno de "consult-2.php"
The elements displayed both by the pre-load page "consult-1.php" and by the "consult-2.php" page have the return of their respective "ids" by examining with inspector I can see them clearly however in the script I need to get these ids in a "click" function with jquery.
The problem is exactly there, I can only get the "ids" of the results displayed by the "consult-1.php" page, the results of "consult-2.php" even though they are displayed and have "ids" and do not even want to be exibilos with a simple alert: (
I'm already grateful for any help!
$last_msg_id = $_GET['last_msg_id'];
$action = '';
if($action != "get"){
<div id="Minha-Div">
<?php include('consult-1.php'); ?>
<div id="last_msg_loader"></div>
$Busca = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM minha-tabela ORDER By id DESC LIMIT 5");
while($fetch = $Busca->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$id = $fetch['id'];
$conteudo = $fetch['conteudo'];
<div id="<?php echo $id; ?>" class="message_box">
<div><?php echo $conteudo; ?></div>
}// Fechamento do "while" !
$last_msg_id = $_GET['last_msg_id'];
$Busca = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM minha-tabela WHERE id < '$last_msg_id' ORDER By id DESC LIMIT 5");
while($fetch = $Busca->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$id = $fetch['id'];
$conteudo = $fetch['conteudo'];
<div id="<?php echo $id; ?>" class="message_box">
<div><?php echo $conteudo; ?></div>
}// Fechamento do "while" !
I use the scroll bar scroll to start the function that displays more items:
// Verifica scroll e chama função
if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()){
// Função que busca
function last_msg_funtion(){
// Verifica se há conteúdo na tela...caso haja usamos "return"
if($('#last_msg_loader img').length){
//Isso evita duplicatas caso haja conteúdo carregado!
// salvamos o ultimo id da lista
var ID = $(".message_box:last").attr("id");
// Mostramos imagem de carregamento
$('#last_msg_loader').html('<img src="load.gif">');
// Enviamos o post (para esta mesma página)
$.post("home.php?action=get&last_msg_id="+ID, function(data){
// se a resposta não for vazia...
if(data != ""){
// Inserimos ela
// Limpamos o .gif
};// Fechamos a função