How to consult abbreviated words or not without differentiating them, such as RUA and R.?


The user enters as search "STREET STOP".
But in the Mysql database it can be saved as "R. Do Stop" or just "STOP".

How to optimize this search to get the best result, or the closest?

asked by anonymous 29.09.2016 / 22:34

1 answer


I do not know the impact of using RegEx, but it seems like a use case, for example:

SELECT nome_rua FROM enderecos WHERE LOWER(nome_rua) REGEXP '(rua\s+|r\.\s+)BATENTE'

Another way you can do is to treat the query string before sending it, for example:

$consulta = 'RUA BATENTE';

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT nome_rua FROM enderecos WHERE nome_rua LIKE ?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $consulta);

//Limpa a consulta
$consulta = '%'.preg_replace('#^(r\.|av\.|rua|avenida|via)\s+#i', '', $consulta);


In this example above using preg_replace , we remove all prefixes, such as street, avenue, av., r. and via, you can still add more things to remove and added the wildcard (sign of % ) at the beginning of LIKE to have other words that it generates something like:

SELECT nome_rua FROM enderecos WHERE nome_rua LIKE '%BATENTE'

You can also do this:

//Limpa a consulta
$consulta = '%' . preg_replace('#^(r\.|av\.|rua|avenida|via)\s+#i', '', $consulta) . '%';

That generates something like:

SELECT nome_rua FROM enderecos WHERE nome_rua LIKE '%BATENTE%'
04.10.2016 / 05:32