Transform json array into php array


Well, I have a little problem that I still can not solve. I already looked it up on Google, and the solutions I found did not serve my problem.

I need to transform the array "Players" that is in this JSON: link in one PHP Array.

  "Status": true,
  "Players": {
    "online": 8,
    "max": 60,
  "Version": "1.8.8"

This is the code I'm using, suggested by the answers below:


$lista = file_get_contents("");

$infor = json_decode($lista);

$players = $infor['Players'];
$players_list = $players['list'];

foreach($players_list as $i){
  echo $i;


The error is in the variable $players , according to PHP :

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /customers/6/8/7/ on line 8 

I do not understand much of PHP, I'm more used to Java, so I can not identify the errors here.

asked by anonymous 04.10.2016 / 21:28

6 answers


When you try to run


You're trying to access a Objeto .

But since you're reading a Objeto Json , you should read as follows:

$players = $infor["Players"];
$players_list = $players["list"]

And read the list:

foreach($players_list as $i){
    echo $i;
04.10.2016 / 21:40

To access this way:


You need to remove the second parameter true :

$infor = json_decode($lista);

Otherwise, it will convert to an associative array, and you will have to access it like this:

$players = $infor["Players"]["list"];
04.10.2016 / 21:47

I saw that you did not put ; at the end of file_get_contents .

$lista = file_get_contents("") <-
$infor = json_decode($lista, true);
$players = $infor->Players->list;
echo = "$players";
04.10.2016 / 21:51

The error I had was resolved as follows:

I followed the steps of Hugo Fernandes and Kenny Rafael , however I made confusion and ended up giving another error. We are going in parts to help others who will use this question to help with their problems:

Where was my mistake? At first, the code looked like this:

$lista = file_get_contents("")
$infor = json_decode($lista, true);
$players = $infor->Players->list;
echo = "$players";

You can already notice a number of syntax errors, such as the lack of ; after the $lista attribute, and = after echo (echo is not a variable, so do not put value not echo).

Ok, reforming the code, it gets more accurate:

$lista = file_get_contents(""); //Botei o ;
$infor = json_decode($lista, true);
$players = $infor->Players->list;
echo "$players";//Tirei o = 

From here, we've noticed the gross error:

As I said Hugo Fernandes , I'm trying to access a Objeto , and my goal was to access a Objetos ( Array ) list.

Beauty, I did what he suggested in his response, so the code looks like this:


$lista = file_get_contents("");

$infor = json_decode($lista);

$players = $infor['Players'];
$players_list = $players['list'];

foreach($players_list as $i){
   echo ' '.$i.',';


But then the confusion came. I read the answers "running" and ended up doing poop. Kenny Rafael said that I should access without the true parameter to access Objeto , and then the second error appeared: I tried to access a JSON''Array from a JSON''Object , and ended up giving the error :

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /customers/6/8/7/ on line 8

I spent some time reading the answers and managed to get my bearings. I 've called that you should set the parameter true to json_decode , turning the $infor variable into a JSON Array , instead of a JSON Object , then the code looks like this:


$lista = file_get_contents("");

$infor = json_decode($lista, true);

$players = $infor['Players'];
$players_list = $players['list'];

foreach($players_list as $i){
  echo ' '.$i.',';


After the help of these two masters, and a little more attention, I completed the code without errors!

04.10.2016 / 22:32

Do this test here that you will understand: D

$json_url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
04.10.2016 / 22:45

If json_decode is passed in the json_decode function, json_decode returns an associative array.

$lista = file_get_contents("");
$infor = json_decode($lista,true);
$players = $infor['Players']['list'];

foreach ($players as $player) {
     echo ' '.$player.',';

If the json_decode function does not pass the true parameter, json_decode returns an Object.

$lista = file_get_contents("");
$infor = json_decode($lista);  
$players = $infor->Players->list;

foreach ($players as $player) {
    echo ' '.$player.',';
} Reference

04.10.2016 / 22:02