Put a value in front of another HTML tag using span


I want to make my resume and put it on git pages, and in the part of personal data, I put for example:

Habilitação: B
Estado Civil: Casado

I came up with a solution that did not please me very much, so please help me find a better one.


<span>Estado Civil:</span><span>Casado</span>
asked by anonymous 14.11.2018 / 22:46

1 answer


It seems to me that you are abusing <span> , which in fact would only make sense if you want to change something in the presentation of your content, but that could also be represented with a semantic tag to your goal. And avoid using <br> to break a line, when what you have are paragraphs.

<p><strong>Habilitação: </strong>B</p>
<p><strong>Estado Civil: </strong>Casado</p>

For more details about the tags and what they represent, you can refer to this article: List of HTML5 Elements

14.11.2018 / 23:06