How to add another zero in the hours for example: 4: 4: 03 becomes 4:04:03?


I have the following code in the application:

I want to format the time and put another zero when it is only 1 number, I tried to count as PHP with the function strlen and when it is only 1 digit I add another zero in hours / minutes, but I could not.

                    $horaAtualPhp = date('H');// tenho que formatar hora e minutos caso for 1 caracter
//                    $minutoAtualPhp = date('i');
                    $minutoAtualPhp = "3";
                    if(strlen($horaAtualPhp) == 1){
                        $horaAtualPhp = "0".$horaAtualPhp;
                        $horaAtualPhp = $horaAtualPhp;
                    if(strlen($minutoAtualPhp) == 1){
                        $minutoAtualPhpAtualizado = '0'.$minutoAtualPhp;
                        $minutoAtualPhpAtualizado = $minutoAtualPhp;

<div class="date">Hora Atual <span id="server_time"></span></div>

                        var server_time = document.getElementById("server_time");
                        var now = new Date(<?=date('Y')?>, <?=date('m')-1?>, <?=date('d')?>,  <?=date('H')?>, <?=date('i')?>, <?=date('s')?>, 0);
                            now.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + 1);
                            server_time.innerHTML = now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() ;

    var server_time = document.getElementById("server_time");
    var now = new Date(<?=date('Y')?>, <?=date('m')-1?>, <?=date('d')?>, <?=date('H')?>, <?=date('i')?>, <?=date('s')?>, 0);
        now.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + 1);
        server_time.innerHTML = now.getDate() + "/" + (now.getMonth() + 1 )+ "/" + now.getFullYear() +  "   " + now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds();
<script src=""></script><divclass="date">BR, <span id="server_time"></span></div>

asked by anonymous 05.07.2017 / 13:21

1 answer


To convert, simply use the command date with the command strtotime . The date prints the output formatted, strtotime converts the string to a timestamp that is used by date.


According to the PHP documentation, H, i and s represent the following values on date:

H   Formato 24-horas de uma hora com zero à esquerda    00 até 23
i   Minutos com zero à esquerda 00 até 59
s   Segundos, com zero à esquerda   00 até 59

It would look like this:


$hora = "4:4:03";
echo date("H:i:s", strtotime($hora)); //04:04:03


Link of running PHP code above.

Now in javaScript, you can extend the string object by adding a function to format the time.

It would look like this:

String.prototype.formatarHora = function() {
  var _temporario = this.split(':');

  _temporario = {
    _saida = parseInt(valor);
    _saida = (_saida < 10 ? "0" + valor : valor);
    return _saida;

  return _temporario.join(':');

let hora = "4:4:13";
console.log("Hora sem estar formatada: %s", hora);
console.log("Hora formatada: %s", hora.formatarHora());
05.07.2017 / 13:31