removeClass does not work


I need to validate two fields in my form to enable the Submit button for the end user, but removeClass('disabled') is not working.

    $('#main-form').on(function () {
        simCode = $('#main-form [name=code]').val().length;
        carrierId = $('#main-form [name=carrierId]').val();

        if (simCode == 20 || carrierId != "null") {

Remembering that simCode receives the values of an input type text and carrierId receives the value of a select option

asked by anonymous 10.05.2018 / 17:22

2 answers


disabled is not a class, it is a property.


$('#save').prop('disabled', true);


function desabilita(){
  $('#save').prop('disabled', true);
<script src=""></script><ahref="javascript:void(0)" onclick="desabilita()">Clique aqui para desabilitar o botão abaixo</a>
<button type="button" id="save">Botão</button>
10.05.2018 / 17:41

You have not included your html, but it seems that disabled is not a style class but an element attribute.

$('#main-form').on(function () {
    simCode = $('#main-form [name=code]').val().length;
    carrierId = $('#main-form [name=carrierId]').val();

    if (simCode == 20 || carrierId != "null") {
       $('#save').attr('disabled', false);
10.05.2018 / 17:41