What is the where? [duplicate]


I have seen in several C # codes Where , but I did not understand about it.

  • What is algumacoisa.where() in C #?
  • When should I use it?
  • What's the use?
asked by anonymous 19.09.2017 / 19:08

2 answers


You have a collection of numbers.

List<int> numeros = new List<int>

You want a new collection with just the even numbers from your otiginal list

var numPares = numeros.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).ToList();

The Where clause works as a filter for collections, in it you pass your criteria to filter a collection and receive a new filtered collection from the original collection.

See working in .NET Fiddle

Example with non-primitive type:

In the example above, I worked with a list of int (primitive type), and if it was a list of a class I created? Type a list of Pessoas ?

public class Pessoa
   public string Nome { get; set; }
   public int Idade { get; set; }

Assuming I have a populated list:

var pessoas = new list<Pessoa>();
// Popula a lista com algumas pessoas...

Let's filter:

// Pessoas Idosas
var pessoasIdosas = pessoas.Where(x => x.Idade > 60).ToList();

// Pessoas Idosas cujo nome começa com a letra "A"
var pessoasIdosasComNomeComecaLetraA = pessoas.Where(x => x.Idade > 60 && x.Nome.StartsWith("A")).ToList();

See working in .NET Fiddle

The fact that the typed list (strongly typed) allows us to access the generic collection type properties (in the example case, name and age) to filter, this gives a very powerful power and efficiency for the code.

19.09.2017 / 19:21

Where is a conditional clause Example: Return first car where the model is 'GOL', you can do a search on Lambda and Linq to understand more about these types of conditions.

List<Carro> carros = new List<Carro>();
carros.Where(x=>x.Modelo == "GOL").FirstOrDefault();
19.09.2017 / 19:13