I am trying to connect a Spring MVC project with Hibernate using JSP.
But a problem comes up when I try to create a connection to import data into a report using JasperReports + Ireport technology. When I select the Spring loaded Hibernate connection option, and when I load spring-servlet.xml
an error appears:
Unexpected exception parsing XML document from class path resource [spring-servlet.xml];nest exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context namespace element 'component-scan' and its parser class[org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScanbenaDefinitionParser]are only available on JDk 1.5 and higher.
- Springframework4.0.6
- Hibernate4
- Netbeans8.0patch2
- JDK1.8
- JRE8
- Netbeansplugin
- Ireport5.6
- Jasperreports5.6
version is displayed.
Would anyone know how to solve this error?