I am generating a checkbox for each row of the DataTable through sDefaultContent, but when I perform an action on one of the checkboxes, it replies to all others. I'm having trouble generating a checkbox with a different ID for each line.
Follow the current code:
"aoColumnDefs" : [
//adiciona a classe para todas as células referente a coluna indicada
{"sClass" : "hidden-xs sorting","aTargets" : [1]},
{"sClass" : "alignbutton","mData": "", "sDefaultContent": "<input type='checkbox' name='ckbPremiacao' class='ckbPremiacao' style='text-align:center' onchange='alteraPremiacao()' ></input><script>$('.ckbPremiacao').bootstrapSwitch();</script>","aTargets": [3]}
Does anyone know how to help me? [URGENT]