Add multiple rows with jQuery using .text


I'm doing the project for school, I'm in the chat part and I have a question. In the part of sending messages in jQuery:

 socket.on('newMessage', function(data){
     $chat.append(data.nick+' - ' + menssagem+ '<br/>' ); 

But the problem is that the .append() method is vulnerable, why lets inject javascript and even html. I already tried the .text() method, but the messages appear one on top of the other.

asked by anonymous 06.04.2016 / 19:43

1 answer


You have to add the new message after content that already exists.

Otherwise, it even overlaps.

Try this below. If it goes wrong, it takes the parentheses out of text() .

$chat.append($chat.text() + '<br/>' + data.nick+' - ' + menssagem+ '<br/>' ); 
06.04.2016 / 19:49