Counter / Reset


The code below has a basic bet that:

When I win it goes back to the base bet. When he loses he doubles the bet

I would like your help to continue the same idea, but instead of multiplying the bet every time I lose. He make a count X of losses in a row and after these losses start multiplying the bet and continue multiplying until you win.

It would look like this: When I win it back to the base bet. When you lose X times multiply the bet, you lose after you multiply, multiply again.

I hope you understand and can help me.

The script and the following:

var startValue = '0.00000001', // Don't lower the decimal point more than 4x of current balance
stopPercentage = 0.001, 
maxWait = 777,
stopped = false, // debugging
stopBefore = 1; // In minutes for timer before stopping redirect on webpage

var $loButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button'),
$hiButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button');

function multiply(){ 
var current = $('#double_your_btc_stake').val();
var multiply = (current * 2).toFixed(8);

function getRandomWait(){
var wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait ) + 100;

console.log('Waiting for ' + wait + 'ms before next bet.');

return wait ;

function startGame(){
console.log('Game started!');

function stopGame(){
console.log('Game will stop soon! Let me finish.');
stopped = true;

function reset(){

// quick and dirty hack if you have very little bitcoins like 0.00000001
function deexponentize(number){
return number * 10000000;

function iHaveEnoughMoni(){
var balance = deexponentize(parseFloat($('#balance').text()));
var current = deexponentize($('#double_your_btc_stake').val());

return ((balance)*2/100) * (current*2) > stopPercentage/100;

function stopBeforeRedirect(){
var minutes = parseInt($('title').text());

if( minutes < stopBefore )
    console.log('Approaching redirect! Stop the game so we don\'t get redirected while loosing.');

    return true;

return false;

// Unbind old shit

// Loser
if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("lose")') )
console.log('You LOST! Multiplying your bet and betting again.');


    }, getRandomWait());


// Winner
if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("win")') )
if( stopBeforeRedirect() )

    if( iHaveEnoughMoni() )
        console.log('You WON! But don\'t be greedy. Restarting!');


        if( stopped )
            stopped = false;
            return false;
        console.log('You WON! Betting again');

    }, getRandomWait());
asked by anonymous 08.02.2016 / 14:48

0 answers