I have some files that are: services, organs, units. The organs have services and have units. I, in the jsons I have, can return to the part where, for example: localhost / api / organs / .json. That there it returns the services and the units that the organ possesses. What I want is that when I get to the point I've exposed it is possible, using the id of a service or drive, to access this service or drive.
json.array!(@organs) do |organ|
json.id @organ.id.to_s
json.unit do
json.id organ.unit.id.to_s
json.name organ.unit.name
json.address organ.organ.unit.address
json.coordinates organ.organ.unit.coordinates
json.schedules organ.unit.schedules
json.phone organ.unit.phone
json.email organ.unit.email
end if organ.unit
json.service @organ.service