Below is my code that implements inheritance using $ controller. Is this way good? My goal is to reuse a baseController class that will have some common routines for raw controllers.
Fiddle: link
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('parentController', parentController);
function parentController() {
var vm = this;
vm.mainRoutine = mainRoutine;
vm.subRoutine = subRoutine;
//1: use the vm before call subRoutine, just solved the future override
function mainRoutine() { return vm.subRoutine(); };
function subRoutine() { return 'parent'; };
myApp.controller('child1Controller', child1Controller);
child1Controller.$inject = ['$controller'];
function child1Controller($controller) {
var vm = this;
var base = $controller('parentController');
angular.extend(vm, base);
//2: override
base.subRoutine = subRoutine;
vm.childRoutine = childRoutine;
vm.callParentRoutine = callParentRoutine;
function subRoutine() { return vm.subRoutine() + ' -> child1'; };
function childRoutine() { return 'childRoutine'; };
function callParentRoutine() { return vm.mainRoutine(); };