SEO in a 100% dynamic site?


I've never developed a website before, I've always worked with systems, so I'm having problems in what should be the easiest part of developing HTML pages.

I'm in the middle phase of project development, which is a platform encompassed by ERP, Issuer of NF-e, CRM, App (web) and Site, and only after all this time have I noticed that the site followed the same templates of the other features of the platform, that is, it is 100% dynamic, it means that my site does not have any pages in fact.

An example of how one of the elements of home is built (the element is a banner with jumbotron):

    namespace homeView;

class bgAboutJumbotron {

    public static function bg_about_jumbotron($page) {

        $html = '<section class="bg-about-'.$page.'">';
        $html .= self::bg_about_jumbotron_container()['open'];
        $html .= self::bg_about_jumbotron_container_jumbotron($page)['open'];
        $html .= self::bg_about_jumbotron_container_jumbotron($page)['inner'];
        $html .= self::bg_about_jumbotron_container_jumbotron($page)['close'];
        $html .= self::bg_about_jumbotron_container()['close'];
        $html .= '</section>';
        return $html;

    private static function bg_about_jumbotron_container() {

        $html['open'] = '<div class="container">';

        $html['close'] = '</div>';
        return $html;

    private static function bg_about_jumbotron_container_jumbotron($page) {

        $html['open'] = '<div class="jumbotron text-center">';
        $html['inner'] = '<h1><small>';
        $html['inner'] .= \homeModel\bgAboutJumbotron::get_bg_about_jumbotron_text($page);
        $html['inner'] .= '</small></h1>';
        $html['close'] = '</div>';
        return $html;


And all the requests for the pages are made in AJAX, and the parameters passed by the POST method.

No text that the site displays is written in HTML, the pure html of all is just that (this is the index):

<!DOCTYPE html>
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
<html lang="" class="wide wow-animation">
        $head = new \siteModel\headModel;
        echo $head->get_head(true);

        $meta_tags = new \siteModel\local__metaTAGS;
        echo $meta__tags->get_tags(true);

        $favicon = new \siteModel\favicon;
        echo $favicon->get_(true);

        $CSS_packages = new \siteModel\local__cssPackages;
        echo $CSS_packages->get_packages(true);
    <body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#myScrollspy" data-offset="15">
        <div class="page text-center">
            <header class="page-head undefined">
                <div class="rd-navbar-wrap header-corporate">
                    $header = new indexView\header;
            <main class="page-content">
                $home = new indexView\home;
                echo $home->__construct();
            <footer class="page-foot section-inset-4 bg-dark">
            $footer = new indexView\footer;
                echo $footer->__construct();
        $packages = new \siteModel\local__jsPackages;
        echo $packages->get_packages(true);

The site also has large-scale use of jQuery, but not in assembly, only in interactions, all information is stored in MySQL BD and uses composer.

Knowing that the site is almost done in this way, what do I need to do / research to get a better performance in SEO?

How to make sitemap for this?

Or is it impossible for me to perform well in SEO in this way and will I have to redo everything?

asked by anonymous 27.07.2017 / 18:55

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