Route is not being located on my site, but works on localhost


I have a service, with GET and PUT verbs. In localhost is ok, but when I host on my site I get this error, only when I call PUT :


IIS 7.5 Detailed Error - 404.6 - Not Found

According to the provider's faces, this may be the route problem that is not found. See my service and the method that is called by the service.

public class AtualizaController : ApiController
    AutorizadorContext contexto = new AutorizadorContext();
    PedidoLiberacao liberacao = new PedidoLiberacao();

    public void putItensLiberacao(int id, string value)
        liberacao.AtualizaLiberacao(id, value);

The method that is called

public void AtualizaLiberacao(int id, string value)
    var lista = contexto.Liberacoes
        .Where(l => l.IdOrcamento == id)

        lista.ForEach(f =>
            f.FlagLiberacao = 0;
            f.AutorizouReceberAtrazado = value;

would be the url like this:

asked by anonymous 18.09.2017 / 13:59

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