Help with error Non-static method requires a target when creating txt file


I have a C # code that creates a txt file and then drops it.

The code works fine on my local machine, but when I upload it to the server, it gives an error:


Non-static method requires a target.

public ActionResult GeraBpa()
        var caminho = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content");
        int linhaTexto = 1;
        int linhaItem = 1;
        Int64 digito = 0;
        string cmp = Request.QueryString["cmp"];
        oUsuario = (usuario)Session["usuario"];
        sm oSMS = modelOff.sms.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ibge == oUsuario.ibge);

        //cria o arquivo txt
        using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter($"{caminho}/PA" + oUsuario.ibge + cmp + ".txt")) 
            //cria uma lista com as informacoes que eu preciso
            List<bpac> bpa = modelOff.bpacs.Where(p => p.cmp == cmp && p.ibge == oUsuario.ibge).ToList(); 
            //preenche o arquivo txt com os dados da lista criada acima
            foreach (bpac linha in bpa) 
                "02" +
                linha.cnes +
                linha.cmp +//competencia
                linha.cbo +
                string.Format("{0:000}", linhaTexto) + 
                string.Format("{0:00}", linhaItem) +
                "000" +
                string.Format("{0:000000}", linha.quant) +

                digito += Convert.ToInt64(;
                digito += linha.quant;
                if (linhaItem > 99)
                    linhaItem = 1;

            linhaItem = 1;

        digito = digito % 1111;
        digito += 1111;

        //pega todas as linhas criadas anteriormente e salva em uma lista
        List<string> linhas = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines($"{caminho}/PA" + oUsuario.ibge + cmp + ".txt").ToList();
        //cria uma nova linha
        string primeiraLinha = "01#BPA#" +
                cmp + //competencia
                linhas.Count.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0') + //total de linhas
                linhaTexto.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0') + //total de folhas
                digito.ToString() +
                oSMS.responsavel.PadRight(30, ' ') +
                oSMS.sigla.PadRight(6, ' ') +
                oSMS.cnpj.PadRight(14, ' ') +
                "SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAUDE           M          " +

        //insere a primeira linha no topo das outras
        linhas.Insert(0, primeiraLinha);
        //salva novamente o arquivo
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines($"{caminho}/PA" + oUsuario.ibge + cmp + ".txt", linhas);

        //disponibiliza o arquivo para download
        byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes($"{caminho}/PA" + oUsuario.ibge + cmp + ".txt");
        string fileName = "PA" + oUsuario.ibge + cmp + ".txt";
        return File(fileBytes, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName);

I did not get a more specific error, since the error only happens on the online server and not on my machine.

I hope you can help me.


I changed the permissions (I gave 100% access to all users), but received access error:


Accessing the path 'F: \ Inetpub \ vhosts \ \ \ Content \ PA260500201708.txt'

Detail is that the file was not created

asked by anonymous 28.10.2017 / 15:45

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