click jquery does not work in firefox [duplicate]


Good morning, after the code that fills the table, the manipulation of the click does not work in firefox, but it works in chrome, does anyone have any light, please?

function carregarItens(){

var itens = "", url = "transfer.php";

//Capturar Dados Usando Método AJAX do jQuery
    url: url,
    cache: false,
    dataType: "json",
    beforeSend: function() {
        //$("h2").html("Carregando..."); //Carregando
    error: function() {
      //  $("h2").html("Há algum problema com a fonte de dados");
    success: function(retorno) {
           // $("h2").html(retorno[0].erro);
            //Laço para criar linhas da tabela
            for(var i = 0; i<retorno.length; i++){
                itens += "<tr>";
                itens += "<td>" + retorno[i].idusuario + "</td>";
                itens += "<td>" + retorno[i].desLogin + "</td>";
                itens += "<td>" + retorno[i].dessenha + "</td>";
                itens += "<td>" + retorno[i].dtcadastro + "</td>";
                itens += "</tr>";
            //Preencher a Tabela
            $('.table tbody').html(itens);

            //Limpar Status de Carregando
          //  $("h2").html("Carregado");

        $("#clicked tr").on('click', function(){


asked by anonymous 05.11.2017 / 16:12

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