Consume an asmx service from a rest


How do I pass an object I have in a REST to an ASMX ? I have this controller in REST that has the object (client) that I want to send to an ASMX

public class OptOutClientController : Controller
   HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
   private readonly IOptOutService _service;
   public OptOutClientController(IOptOutService service)
        _service = service;

   public OptOutCliente Unsubscribe([FromBody]OptOutCliente cliente)
      if (cliente == null)
         throw new OptOutException("Informar os dados do cliente OptOut!");

      var valida = _service.Process(cliente);

      BasicHttpBinding httpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
      EndpointAddress wsUrl = new 

      //ServicoWSClient soapClient = new ServicoWSClient(httpBinding, wsUrl);

      return cliente;

How do I pass this client to the other side?

asked by anonymous 25.06.2018 / 20:05

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