Bootstrap menu does not work


I'm a beginner and I'm learning Bootstrap, but after trying everything, I can not make the menu work. - I already tried on another PC and another browser - I have already downloaded the Bootstrap.css and .JS documentation - I already linkei direct to the servers and nothing.

Could anyone say what's wrong? do I have to install anything?

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asked by anonymous 13.07.2018 / 17:55

1 answer


Your answer is simpler than it sounds! You are trying to use the Bootstrap 3 NavBar component , but you are using Bootstrap 4 CSS and JS code

Notice that within your <head> you call the CSS of version 4 as well as at the end of the document you make references to the JSs of version 4 of Bootstrap

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""...>
<script src=">

ThisisthecorrectlinkfromtheOfficialdocumentationthatNavBarhasforversion4ifyouwanttouseit link

The HTML code you are using is version 3. See that when the code is used in Bootstrap 3 it works 100%

I have not changed anything in your code just call the font files of the correct version. That for this code is version 3

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13.07.2018 / 18:03