Spring + JPA, transient field visible in View and not persistent?


Good evening guys, I have a filter that I do manually with @query () that in it I do a total calculating join of a sale ie

SUM(valor * quantidade) as total

I'm not sure what to do. what happens is this, this total "temporary" field that refers to the total of the sale, when I create it in my entity the jpa wants to persist it in the bank, hence I use @transient but it is not visible in the view, I would have to have a setTotal () in the controller so it can have some value ...

I've tried it in several ways, see below ....

@NumberFormat(pattern = "#,##0.00")
transient BigDecimal total;

In this way, it is not visible in the view, it does not return the value of the bank, only if I give a setTotal ().

@Column(updatable = false, insertable = false) // até assim (não funciona)
@NumberFormat(pattern = "#,##0.00")
private BigDecimal valortemporario;

As above, it is visible in the view, but tries to persist in the database, which gives error, since the field does not exist in the table.

@Column(updatable = false, insertable = false) // até assim (não funciona)
@NumberFormat(pattern = "#,##0.00")
private BigDecimal valortemporario;

That way, it also does not work, it tries to write to the tbm bank ..

I just left my Repository just to see the general notion of the thing:

public interface AtendimentosRepository extends JpaRepository<Atendimentos, Long> {

String sqlPrincipal = "SELECT id_heados, pecastotal.total as total, "
        +" maoobra_heados,+"veiculo_km_heados,bsextras_heados,"
        +" tipoatendimento_heados,  "
        + " datasaida_heados FROM heados  "

        + " LEFT JOIN ( (SELECT pedos.controle_pedos,adicional_pedos,"
        + " sum( ( COALESCE(valor_pedos,'0') * COALESCE(quantidade_pedos,'0') ) - (  "
        + " ( COALESCE(valor_pedos,'0') * COALESCE(quantidade_pedos,'0') )  * COALESCE(desconto_pedos,'0') /100"
        + " ) ) as total FROM pedos as pedos  WHERE adicional_pedos  = 'N'"
        + " group by pedos.controle_pedos) ) pecastotal ON controle_pedos  = id_heados"

        + " WHERE id_heados = :controle ";

@Query(value = sqlPrincipal, nativeQuery = true)
public Atendimentos atendimentoByControle(@Param("controle") Long controle);


I tried to find a way to remove from my Entity class the field to the total, but I did not find any function for that.

Has anyone gone through this ?? have another solution ??

Thank you !!

asked by anonymous 13.08.2018 / 23:46

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