I have the following JavaScript function:
//texto grifado cria mais campos valor e numero de parcelas
function duplicarCampos(){
if (total >=4) {
alert('Número maximo é de apenas 5 campos ');
return false;
}else {
if (document.getElementById("origem").style.display != "block") {
document.getElementById("origem").style.display = "block";
var clone = document.getElementById('origem').cloneNode(true);
var destino = document.getElementById('destino');
destino.appendChild (clone);
var camposClonados = clone.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(i=0; i<camposClonados.length;i++){
camposClonados[i].value = '';
function removerCampos(id){
var node1 = document.getElementById('destino');
if (node1.childNodes.length == 0) {
document.getElementById("origem").style.display = "none";
}else {
And in the HTML structure:
<td <?php echo $style; ?> class='cad'>Valor :</td>
<td colspan='2' <?php echo $style; ?>><input type='text' name='tco_valor_aditivo[]' id='tco_valor_aditivo' size='16' MaxLength='15' onChange='return calcularPorcentual();' onBlur='habilitaParcelas()' onKeyPress='return verificaDecimal(event);' value=''/></td>
<td <?php echo $style; ?> class='cad' style="height:10px">Número de Parcelas:</td>
<td <?php echo $style; ?>>
<div id='parcelas' >
<select name="tco_num_parcelas[]" id="tco_num_parcelas" disabled>
<option value="...">...</option>
<button style="background-color:green;cursor:pointer;" type="button" onclick="duplicarCampos();">+</button>
<button style="background-color:#CD0000;cursor:no-drop" type="button" onclick="removerCampos(this);">-</button>
But when I add the dynamic fields (by clicking the + button), I can not validate them.