How can I extract a character from a string in PHP?


I have this code in PHP that takes information from a text file, this information that comes from this file, comes type in columns delimited by | As you can see I made an explode in | the result came from the entire column because the file information came like this:


| campo1   | nivel  | campo3        | campo4     |
| material |   1    | componente    | quantidade |
| material |   2    | componente2   | quantidade |

The result does not explode like this: Example:

0=> material material material... até a ultima linha
mesmo coisa para as outras colunas
1=> 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 ... até a ultima linha do arquivo texto.
No nível 1 ele é pai do 2 e o 2 é pai no 3 e assim sucessivamente.

That is, I need to get this table and play in the database as well with the column 2_pai:

| coluna1  | nível |  coluna2_pai  | coluna2      | coluna3 |
| material |   1   |  componente1  | componente1  |  tipo   |
| material |   2   |  componente1  | componente2  |  tipo   |
| material |   3   |  componente2  | componente3  |  tipo   |
| material |   1   | componente1.1 | componente1.1|  tipo   |
| material |   2   | componente1.1 | componente1.2|  tipo   |

Explaining what I want to do in column 2_pai will receive the parent level components for each child level. Level 1 is the maximum level has no parent your child will always be level 2 below it.



So in this case the first level 1 will only be the parent of levels 2 to the next level 1 the same thing goes for the next levels 1 and level 2 to 3 and so on.

$material = fopen("c:/inetpub/wwwroot/material1.txt","r");

//$materiais = file("material1.txt");


    $linha = fgets($material,1024);

    $valor = explode('|',$linha);

    $nivel = $valor[3];

    $component = $valor[4];

    $array_nivel[$nivel] = $component;

    $nivel_pai = $nivel - 1;

    //$array_nivel[0] = $valor[1];

    //echo $valor[3]."\n";

    echo "Nivel ".$nivel_pai." Pai: ".$array_nivel[$nivel]." Filho: ".$component."\n";

The part in $nivel_pai = $nivel - 1 I tried to use the logic to get the level value for example 2 and subtract by 1 to get the component in the previous level in case level 2 will have the component of 1.

The string would be the column itself in the case of the column level I would need to do an if of the values of level 1 2 and 3 only as they are in the same string I am having problem to make this condition,

if($nivel == 1){
   $array_nivel[$nivel_pai] = $component;
}elseif($nivel == 2){
   $array_nivel[$nivel_pai] = $component;
   $nivel_pai = $nivel - 1;
}... e por ia vai

já tentei if($nivel <> 1 || $nivel == 2 ...){
  $array_nivel[$nivel_pai] == $component;
  $nivel_pai =  $nivel - 1;

The idea is to compare these levels, and to get the component of level 1 and to put of the column 2_pai of level 2 the component of level 2 will already be put in column 2_pai of level 3 and so on so that these levels are interleaved


level   1
  3   2
  3   4
  3   2
  3   2

asked by anonymous 27.04.2016 / 20:41

1 answer


From what I understand you want to get each separate line? If it is, you should rather explode the line break .. If this is the problem, do so:


$a = '
| campo1   | nivel  | campo3        | campo4     |
| material |   1    | componente    | quantidade |
| material |   2    | componente2   | quantidade |
$a = trim($a); // limpa os espaços em branco

$a = explode("\n", $a);
$i = 0;
foreach($a as $v) {
    $v = trim($v);
    if(!empty($v)) {
        $b = explode("|", $v);
        foreach($b as $nv) {
            $nv = trim($nv);
            if(!empty($nv)) {
                // exit(var_dump($nv));
                $dados[$i][] = $nv;

And the remaining result in the variable $ data is the array below:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => campo1
            [1] => nivel
            [2] => campo3
            [3] => campo4

    [1] => Array
            [0] => material
            [1] => 1
            [2] => componente
            [3] => quantidade

    [2] => Array
            [0] => material
            [1] => 2
            [2] => componente2
            [3] => quantidade


If this is your question, I hope I have helped. Abs.

29.04.2016 / 02:27