Deserialize array in Json


I'm accessing an API and the return is an array with latitude and longitude respectively. Unfortunately, I can not deserialize because it does not have properties in Json.

How can I do to achieve this in C #?


asked by anonymous 27.04.2016 / 09:13

2 answers


You can write your own JsonConverter to handle this object, so you will be able to map the array index in JSON to an Object and vice versa.

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class CoordenadaConverter : JsonConverter
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return objectType == typeof(Coordenada);

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
            return null;
        var array = JArray.Load(reader);
        var coordenada = (existingValue as Coordenada ?? new Coordenada());
        coordenada.Latitude = (float)array[0];
        coordenada.Longitude = (float)array[1];
        return coordenada;

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var coordenada = (Coordenada)value;
        serializer.Serialize(writer, new float[] { coordenada.Latitude, coordenada.Longitude });

public class Coordenada 
    public float Latitude {get; set;}
    public float Longitude {get; set;}

So you can consume Json, you can do it like this:

var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Coordenada[]>(json);       
foreach (var coordenada in deserialized) 
    Console.WriteLine("Latitude: " + coordenada.Latitude + ", Longitude: " + coordenada.Longitude); 
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deserialized, Formatting.Indented);

You can see the example above working in the following DotNetFiddle

If you prefer, since this is a very simple array, you can deserialize your JSON to a float[][] array:

var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<float[][]>(json);      
foreach (var coordenada in deserialized) 
    Console.WriteLine("Latitude: " + coordenada[0] + ", Longitude: " + coordenada[1]);  

var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deserialized, Formatting.Indented);
27.04.2016 / 14:33

You need to use Newtonsoft to do this.

Make a class to receive it;

public class Coordenada {
      public float latitude {get; set;}
      public float longitude {get; set;}

Understanding that Json is a javascript object, this is usually the format of a Json, and the conversion command:

string resultado = @"{
    latitude: '-23.45317'
    longitude: '-46.707126'

Coordenada CoordenadaUm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Coordenada>(json); 

To finish, as you yourself said it is an array, you can use foreach and throw all those values into a List < >.

Reference: link

27.04.2016 / 09:40