Hello everyone! Is that okay?
Recently, I started in the middle of the e-market and created my virtual store via Integral Store. I'm trying to make some adjustments to the template that I bought, adapting it to my needs, but I'm new to coding.
I'm trying to put some information in the footer of the page, but to no avail. Here is the code below:
$("#rodape .institucional .container .row-fluid .span4").append(
"<li class=\"email\">" +
"<p><i class=\"fa fa-envelope\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>
[email protected] </p>" +
"<li>" +
"<li class=\"endereco-loja\">" +
"<span class=\"endereco\">" +
"<p><i class=\"fa fa-home\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> Teste de Endereço </p>" +
"</span>" +
Can anyone help me to elucidate this mystery of why it is not working? Thanks and hugs.