You need to load the data dynamically on the same page or from another. No need for iframe. But it will load the page html, or even a div or other specific tag using a very simple jQuery (requires basic knowledge). But this is also possible using angular (requires intermediate knowledge).
In jQuery I use this code for this:
$('#MytargetDiv').load('https://www.example.org/anyPage.html #MytargetContent', function() {
// escreva suas funções ou ações aqui
// você pode alterar, ocultar ou exibir o conteúdo recebido como no exemplo abaixo
$('p.summary').hide(); // ou
$('div img.thumb').remove(); // se o carregamento for bem sucedido estas funções ou ações serão executadas. isso permite infinitas possibilidades.
If you need or want to use the full content you can use it this way.
$('.Class4TargetDiv').load('https://www.example.org #TargetDivWithContent');
$('#MyTargetDiv').load('https://www.example.org .TargetDivWithContent');
Remembering that to identify the element you want to load you can identify it by Id (#elementid) or by a CSS class (.anyclass).
Note: You must apply or call this code in the event of the link or button you will use to trigger the content change.
I hope it's useful.