Create a pie chart with html and angularjs


I would like to know how to create a graph (eg pie) from the data of an array with html and angularjs. An example would help a lot. Many thanks.

asked by anonymous 26.08.2017 / 01:03

1 answer


You can use the library Angular Chart to do what you want. I've put a simple example.

(function() {
  'use strict';

    .module('app', ['chart.js']);

    .controller('GraficoController', GraficoController);

  GraficoController.$inject = [];

  function GraficoController() {
    var vm = this;

    vm.grafico = {};
    vm.grafico.descricoes = ['Carros', 'Motos', 'Lanchas'];
    vm.grafico.valores = [3, 1, 8];
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<div ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="GraficoController as vm" style="height: 50%; width: 50%">
    <canvas id="pie" class="chart chart-pie" chart-data="vm.grafico.valores" chart-labels="vm.grafico.descricoes">

There are other libraries quoted in this SOen answer (How can i make bar & pie charts in angular js) :

  • Angular charts using D3 ;
  • Angular-nvD3 ;
  • You can use Google Charts in conjunction with AngularJS.
  • 26.08.2017 / 01:52