Fill in combobox, and get value menber and mysql


I need to populate a combobox with my mysql database, and then get the value menber to insert into the database

Att. I am needing help from a person who knows about visual, I am with a system, for a company that works in software, where I am making a system out for my boss, the company withdraws about 100 thousand monthly, and of these gain we earn commission amounts for each sale, and outside the fixed salary, however the company has the postage to earn more, however the system that they commercialize is a bit bad, full of problems, if someone wants to help, contact 31 9 96508625 whatsapp

asked by anonymous 01.04.2018 / 21:50

1 answer


Good afternoon, you will fill the grid with the example below:

Dim sql = "SELECT IdAlimento, IdTipoAlimento, NomeTipoAlimento FROM muscle.tb_alimentos "

Dim dt As Object = DAL.AcessoBD.ExecutarComando(sql, CommandType.Text, 
Nothing, DAL.AcessoBD.TipoDeComando.ExecuteDataSet)

For intCount As Integer = dt.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
     Me.grdAlimento.Rows.Add(dt.Tables(0).Rows(intCount)("IdAlimento"), dt.Tables(0).Rows(intCount)("IdTipoAlimento"), intCount2, dt.Tables(0).Rows(intCount)("NomeAlimento"))
     intCount2 = intCount2 + 1

and to get the value of the datagridview follows example below:

var intIdAlimento as Integer = grdAlimento.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).Value.ToString()
12.04.2018 / 18:56