Questions tagged as 'combobox'


VBA / Excel Combobox: Disable Auto-Complete

I am typing a text that is in a ComboBox of VBA / Excel , but the initial part of the text matches another text already included in the list, which I do not want), it changes the position of the list (the index). Can you handle this? When...
asked by 24.11.2015 / 22:27

WPF Form is going behind all windows when a ComboBox is selected

My form WPF works perfectly, but in a specific%%, after the action of selecting, the form is going behind all windows without further explanation, and this does not happen in any other form, could anyone explain why? The image before c...
asked by 23.12.2013 / 19:19

C # WinForms - ComboBox that autocompletes (filters) as you type

I have a ComboBox (cmbBairro) with the names of the neighborhoods of my city, which loads the values of a List (_ListBairros). When the user tries to search for a neighborhood by typing, I would like the ComboBox values to be filtered, regardles...
asked by 09.03.2015 / 02:20

ComboBox is not being populated by the Items I want

I have a ComboBox filled in from a list created with information obtained from a txt file. But instead of being filled with the information of the file he is receiving inside it ----- > GeraRelatorio.Planta , would you like to know why...
asked by 27.08.2018 / 14:14

Load Combobox from a List

I am trying to load items into a ComboBox from a List<> , it worked fine however, later I would need to get the code for the selected item, but it is not working. The code to load ComboBox is this: private void frm...
asked by 14.08.2016 / 17:51

WPF - The SelectedItem property of the ComboBox is not working correctly

Note: This question was the adapted translation of the original question, so all Updates of the original question are together in this text, sorry for that, but the time is short and I can not stop to make a better text, but thanks for the atte...
asked by 18.12.2013 / 17:48

Two dependent combobox using linq to sql

How do I populate two combobox's with linq to sql where in a combobox for example I have countries and in another I have cities? How do they automatically change the values? I leave the image below as I filled out one, if there are any errors an...
asked by 06.05.2016 / 02:16

Help - C # how to update comboBox? autocomplete type

Firstly I'm developing a system in C # and using Sql Server as a database. I would like to perform the following task: When something is typed in the comboBox I update myself, through a search in the database, example: I type A in the comb...
asked by 17.01.2015 / 10:22

Fill a textbox with element of a combobox

I have a combobox connected to a textbox by a function. It works like this: while the person types something in the textbox, a kind of 'filter' is automatically performed in the combobox, which shows something that could match what the person wa...
asked by 21.09.2016 / 21:22

ComboBoxes that share the same DataSource, change the selection together

I'm doing a production order project and I have 7 combobox picking up the values from the same table (which are those of raw materials). I am using this code in load of the form to load the combobox: cmbMP1.DataSource = bllprodutos.DtMa...
asked by 06.06.2016 / 18:17