This is the code I currently have:
<img src="images/2.jpg" style="height:973px" border="0"
onmouseover="this.src='images/1.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='images/2.jpg'"
usemap="#image-map" >
<map name="image-map">
<area alt="CMPC Melhoramentos" title="CMPC Melhoramentos" href="../Cliente SP/production/iindex.php" coords="752,655,546,415" shape="rect">
<area alt="Indaial Papel" title="Indaial Papel" href="../IPEL/production/iindex.php" coords="1576,648,1308,413" shape="rect">
The map is set to the 1.jpg
image, which appears when you hover the mouse. However, when I hover the mouse precisely over the rectangle set on the map (to click) it returns to the initial image, the 2.jpg
, as if I had taken the mouse. How can I make sure this does not happen?