PHP - plugin function in WordPress itself causing 500 error


I developed a plugin for inserting shortcodes in WordPress. It was my first one, for personal use, it has been running for years.

But a few weeks ago, it started to cause error 500 (POST wp-admin / admin-ajax.php 500) when trying to insert images into the article editor. I can upload the file, but when I click Add media and choose some, nothing - and gives the error in the console:



PHPFatalerror:UncaughtArgumentCountError:Toofewargumentsto  functiongive_linked_media(),3passedin  /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.phponline286andatleast7expectedin  wp-content/plugins/tt-shortcodes/tt-functions.php:205


functiongive_linked_media($html,$id,$caption,$title,$align,$url,$size,$alt=''){//onlyifuserissendingvideoorimageif((wp_attachment_is('video',$id))||(wp_attachment_is_image($id))){//builddatatypevarif(wp_attachment_is('video',$id)){$datatype='data-lightview-type="iframe" ';
        } else if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $id ) ) {
            $datatype = ' data-lightview-type="image" ';
        } else { }

        // setting lightview params
        if ( empty( get_post_meta( $id, "pop_title", true ) ) ) {
            $poptitle = '';
        } else {
            $poptitle = ' data-lightview-title="' . get_post_meta( $id, "pop_title", true ) . '"';
        if ( empty( get_post_meta( $id, "pop_caption", true ) ) ) {
            $popcaption = '';
        } else {
            $popcaption = ' data-lightview-caption="' . get_post_meta( $id, "pop_caption", true ) . '"';
        if ( empty( get_post_meta( $id, "pop_group", true ) ) ) {
            $popgroup = '';
        } else {
            $popgroup = ' data-lightview-group="' . get_post_meta( $id, "pop_group", true ) . '"';

        // if user decided to don't use, don't replace original html
        $tha_meta = get_post_meta( $id, 'lightbox_on', true );

        // regex bad, DOM good
        $dom = new DOMDocument;
        $dom->loadHTML( $html );
        // get the link rel
        foreach ( $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'a' ) as $node ) {
            $therel = $node->getAttribute( 'rel' );

            // get the attachment val, if exists
            $therel = explode( ' ', $therel, 2 );
            $therel = $therel[ 0 ];

        if ( $tha_meta == '1' ) { // is checkbox was set
            if ( $therel == 'attachment' ) { // if yes, no candy for you
                $html2 = $html;
            } else { // no attachment? Oh yeah
                $html2 = preg_replace( '/(<a.*?)>/', '$1 class="lightview"' . $poptitle . $popcaption . $popgroup . $datatype . 'fufu="' . $therel . '">', $html );
        } else { // no checkbox? No candy
            $html2 = $html;
    } else {
        $html2 = $html;

    return $html2;
add_filter( 'media_send_to_editor', 'give_linked_media', 10, 8 );
asked by anonymous 10.10.2018 / 03:11

1 answer


Just give each var value at the beginning of the function. Instead of:

function give_linked_media( $html, $id, $caption, $title, $align, $url, $size, $alt = '' )


function give_linked_media( $html = '', $id = '', $caption = '', $title = '', $align ='', $url = '', $size = '', $alt = '' )


10.10.2018 / 03:38