Gentlemen, I need to format my Div according to the image attached below, with Meta information about Div, etc.
Currently my code is breaking this information in lines, as attached image.
Here's a snippet of my code, I hope you can help me.
<div id="row1">
<div class="squareWhite" style="width:380px; font-size: 20px; height: 160px;">
META: <c:out value="${AP.rows[0].META}"/><br></br>
REALIZADO: <c:out value="${AP.rows[0].REALIZADO}" /><br>/br>
ACUMULADO: <c:out value="${AP.rows[0].ACUMULADO}" />
As you can see above, I have one main div and one div within it.
My code above when executed returns the image information below.