Enable the serial hover


Personal I have the following structure:

        <a class="imgHover" title="titulo" href="#">
            <span id="box" class="imgHover">
                <img src="imagens/estrutura.jpg" width="400" height="260" 
            alt="titulo" />
                <span class="titulo">Titulo da imagem</span>

I use the following Jquery in the Hover to change the opacity.

$(document).ready(function ($) {
    var navDuration = 150;
    $('.imgHover').hover(function () {
        //$(this).children("span").stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, navDuration);
        $(this).children("img").stop().animate({ opacity: 0.6 }, navDuration);
    }, function () {
        //$(this).children("span").stop().animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, navDuration*2);
        $(this).children("img").stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, navDuration * 2);

This works fine, so I also need to change the opacity of SPAN. When I uncomment the lines that have the SPAN in the script the same does not work more perfectly. What is wrong? Thanks

asked by anonymous 29.03.2015 / 04:41

2 answers


1st Find correct element

Assuming the animation element is <a/> , your problem is how you get the <span/> element, because since you have two elements inside the .imgHover element, you're animating the opacity of both .

This is more complicated because one <span/> is within the other, and <img/> is also inside a <span/> which generates a huge confusion of opacity animations.


Depending on what you want, you should change the way you find <span/> :

  • If you want to be next to the image:

    $(this).find('span > span')
  • If you want to get the image involved:

    $(this).find('> span')


Assuming you want to animate the image and element next to it, your code would look like:

var navDuration = 150;
$('.imgHover').hover(function() {

    var $this = $(this);

    $this.find('span > span').stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, navDuration);
    $this.find("img").stop().animate({ opacity: 0.6 }, navDuration);

  }, function () {

    var $this = $(this);

    $this.find('span > span').stop().animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, navDuration*2);
    $this.find("img").stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, navDuration*2);

2nd Element that should trigger the animation

Another thing is that you have two elements with the class .imgHover , one inside the other. This makes the animation happen twice, competitively.


If you want the animation to be triggered by the <a/> element, you should:

$('a.imgHover').hover(function() { ... 

If you want the animation to be triggered by the <span/> element, you can:

$('span.imgHover').hover(function() { ... 

Or you have an ID on this last element:

$('#box').hover(function() { ... 
29.03.2015 / 06:35

You can not do in css by selecting the element directly.

imgHover:hover img {
      0% display:none ; opacity: 0;
      1% display: block ; opacity: 0;
      100% display: block ; opacity: 1;
29.03.2015 / 05:54