recover data from JSON file


I need to implement a translation in a plugin called pikaday, which is actually a datepicker, and as the site is multilanguage I am trying to implement the i18n. pulling the translations of a JSON: link

and here in jsfiddle the example: link

What is the best way to get each translation at a time? for example, what if I want to get the value "en-br" and move to a variable? what would it be like?

asked by anonymous 30.09.2015 / 07:08

1 answer


In case you want to get the translated texts you have to use AJAX. You can also do this on the server, but assuming you do with JavaScript you can use $.getJSON . Note that AJAX ( $.getJSON ) is asynchronous, so you need to put the code that needs these texts inside the callback of $.getJSON .

So, an example, using "en-us" :

$.getJSON('', function (i18n) {
    var picker = new Pikaday({
        field: $datePicker,
        format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
        i18n: i18n.langs["en-us"]

jsFiddle: link

30.09.2015 / 08:49