Since I started using docker last year, to directly access the files in my container I used the following steps:
- docker inspect -f '{{.Id}}' container_id
It returns me the full id container
With the full id container I would go to the directory where the container's files were located:
- cd / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / container_id_complete
But currently when I do this it returns: file or directory not found. I noticed that in the mnt folder there are dozens of diets with full id names but none of them are recent containers.
I tried to see if I found the directory using the command:
- find -name container_id_complete
but can not find any folder
Does anyone know if docker has made any modifications to this in its latest updates and if so how can I do it to access the container files directly through the host?
OS: Linux Mint 17.3 64bits
Docker: 1.10.3