To create this table you must first have an object that contains an ID for an entity (EmbeddedId). For example:
public class ExamesCadastradosPK {
@JoinColumn(name="EXCA_EXAM_ID", referencedColumnName="EXAM_ID")
private Exame exame;
@JoinColumn(name="EXCA_CLIE_ID", referencedColumnName="CLIE_ID")
private Cliente cliente;
// getters e setters
This object has both table keys that you want to join, but it is not an entity. Note the @Embeddable annotation. Now create an object that uses this Embeddable as the primary key:
public class ExamesCadastrados {
private ExamesCadastradosPK examesCadastradosPK;
// getters e setters