mount a regular expression


I would like some help from you to put together an expression to check if there are more than 3 bars inside a url in javascript. example: link , this one it does not catch. link , This one it catches. I will use the expression in the test () method;

asked by anonymous 13.10.2015 / 06:29

4 answers


Example search for at least 3 bars:

var expr = /\/(.*\/){2,}/;

alert(expr.test('')); // exibe false
alert(expr.test('')); // exibe true

This expression looks for a text with 3 bars with any number of characters between them (including none).

Editing: The expression above searches for the most extensive text possible, starting with a slash, ending with a slash and having at least 3 slashes. Following the philosophy in the comment of @mgibsonbr of better efficiency, which I agree, a more restrictive expression with less processing, finds only the first three bars with the fewest possible number of characters between them would be:

var expr = /\/.*?\/.*?\//;

As the questioner just wants to check, with regular expression, if the condition is true, the latter expression is more appropriate indeed.

13.10.2015 / 07:20

If you want to check whether there is or is not, then you do not need regex. You can use the split which is faster.

function tem3Barras(url){
    return url.split('/').length > 3;

If you do not want to start with // then you can join two lines to check this and separate that part.

function tem3Barras(url){
    var doubleBar = url.indexOf('//');
    if (doubleBar != -1) url = url.slice(doubleBar + 2);
    return url.split('/').length > 2;

jsFiddle: link

13.10.2015 / 08:50

Here's an example:

var array = [

array.forEach(function (elm) {

    if (elm.match(new RegExp('\/', 'g')).length > 3) {
        console.dir('possui mais de 3 barras: ' + elm);

13.10.2015 / 07:07

Here's a simple way to do a validation:

function checkBars(url) {
  if (url.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
     if (url.split('/').length > 3) {
        return true;      
return false;

if (checkBars('ão-regular/92057')) {
  alert('possui mais de 3 barras');
} else {
  alert('possui menos de 3 barras');
13.10.2015 / 15:55